| | | | | | | | | 2024/12/24 19:00:30 プライベート♪ | | | 文化 | | | 巨大アート | |
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森永エールチョコレート 昭和CM 山本直純さん https://youtu.be/McxDMWQJ0fo 2023/06/05
ガリバーノスタルジーからか? Day 3. The Giants. Diver and Little Girl Giant in Perth. Royal de Luxe. Perth, Australia https://youtu.be/WaMiiWuVnq0 2015/02/15
【雑学】世界の巨像高さランキングTOP20[面白トリビア] https://youtu.be/IvC2EOF26o4 2021/08/20
A GIANT BABY in the Desert? WTF?! Far West China Art in The Wilderness https://youtu.be/-mgu0fWlzVI 2021/09/11
中国のとある風景 |砂漠でぐっすり眠る赤ちゃん https://youtu.be/RYer90jmRxA 2022/06/03 Lovely Landsca 長さ15メートル、幅9メートル、高さ4.3メートル、約450Kg。3Dプリンター
The largest underwater sculpture in the world, Bahamas. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SBHl1WwR0AE?feature=share
15 MOST Amazing Statues Ever Made https://youtu.be/Jh5zfgoQOlo 2022/03/16
23 Cool Sculptures You Won't Believe Actually Exist https://youtu.be/Jh6QiH9ZVSk 2017/01/26
Creepy Sculpture of Drowning Girl Appears in River https://youtu.be/yxZHpT3aCJ8 2021/09/30
Big new born baby sculpture, Ron Mueck, Museum of Fine Arts Houston https://youtu.be/dl490rZiPYg 2017/03/13

Making the baby.AVI https://youtu.be/8d-Yub0lu7Q 2011/01/28 Lianne Murphy
Giant Baby inside Spain PAvillion at Shanghai Expo https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iWi66mjkTzo?feature=share
I Found A Real Giant Baby Head Sculpture On Google Earth https://youtu.be/Ba3u8nlUpDU 2024/11/15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Water's Soul': Massive white sculpture makes a statement in New York harbor https://x.gd/SdIhk October 20, 2021
38 of the Most Fascinating Public Sculptures https://www.architecturaldigest.com/gallery/11-most-fascinating-public-sculptures November 22, 2019
This Artist Made 34 Giant Wood Sculptures, and They’re Both Terrifying and Cute https://brightside.me/articles/this-artist-made-34-giant-wood-sculptures-and-theyre-both-terrifying-and-cute-796979/
gillieandmarcart https://www.instagram.com/gillieandmarcart/p/CyPGMODSbSH/?img_index=1
Giant Hand at NuArt Sculpture Park, Bandung https://x.gd/AobAs
metalartsculpture https://www.instagram.com/metalartsculpture/p/C9wn0XQR6Ms/?img_index=3 7月23日
Large Statues Around the World https://www.travelchannel.com/interests/arts-and-culture/photos/large-statues-around-the-world
Huge bronze statue will be a show of strength on the Teulada-Moraira coast 10 Feb 2022 https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/02/10/huge-bronze-statue-will-be-a-show-of-strength-on-the-teulada-moraira-coast/
UK first as artist's huge hares and minotaurs take centre stage in Piece Hall courtyard https://x.gd/W2Iwq 11th Feb 2022
動画 10 Most Amazing Giant Sculptures in The World https://youtu.be/gtYNqDfEZYw 2019/06/06
Modren art Garden Decoration Bronze Art Big Face Garden Statues for Sale https://www.aongking.com/aksculptures/big-face-garden-statues-for-sale/
Top 5 Most Famous Large Sculptures of 2022 https://fineartshippers.com/top-5-most-famous-large-sculptures-of-2022/ February 3, 2022
gillieandmarcartと_wtcofficial https://www.instagram.com/gillieandmarcart/p/C9QojnQTa7c/?img_index=1 7月11日
They Had a Big Whale of a Time (Bronze and Stainless Steel Sculpture) https://gillieandmarc.com/products/they-had-a-whale-of-a-time
10 of the most famous sculptures of all time https://artdevivre.com/articles/ten-of-the-most-famous-sculptures-of-all-time/ Mar 29, 2023
Large sized sculptures for sale https://artistics.com/artwork-tag/large-scale-sculpture/
Huge Statues Illustrations & Vectors https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/huge-statues.html
Louise Bourgeois’s Iconic Spider Sculptures Have a Surprising History https://x.gd/dAA6c May 19, 2020
Huge statue of nature holding the world in her hands https://www.craiyon.com/image/YJRX2YQAQhyt_Bgqlhi87A
cool sculptures 検索結果 https://x.gd/Av1NQ
Giant Octopus Sculpture Carrying a Menagerie of Endangered Animals Surfaces in NYC https://mymodernmet.com/world-trade-center-octopus-gillie-marc/ July 25, 2024
10 mysterious statues you can only see underwater https://www.redbull.com/int-en/the-world%E2%80%99s-most-intriguing-underwater-statues 02.08.2016
リアルすぎるロボットが怖い https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q9_zYqs6nvU
The Making of a Sculpture https://youtu.be/vR8ZiT9JTcg 2017/03/16
15 Craziest Statues EVER Built https://youtu.be/HsKuNVovoVc 2018/04/15
TOP 15 Tallest Statues In The World https://youtu.be/YF7dmNE2IHw 2022/05/18
Liverpool Sea Odyssey (April 2012) https://youtu.be/XyqyunQxS1Q 2012/05/20 Dory Video
Big new born baby sculpture, Ron Mueck, Museum of Fine Arts Houston https://youtu.be/dl490rZiPYg 2017/03/13 maxwellsdae
The frightening hyperreality of Ron Mueck's sculptures https://youtu.be/zYkfQkf6bnI 2023/05/13 ART&STORIES
Ron Mueck - Making "It's a Girl" https://youtu.be/hPE67R3VEzw 2016/04/06 Allison
15 STRANGEST Sculptures On Earth! https://youtu.be/5kEhh_kfQ8E 2020/04/17 Factnomenal
FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE「レッドXIII 巨大3D映像」 https://youtu.be/j6OFS3DCmmA 2021/12/22 スクウェア・
Top 10 World's Largest Statues https://youtu.be/zml7w_ArcKM 2023/01/02 WatchMojo.com
Tallest Statue Without Base Size Comparison (60+ statues) | 3d Animation Comparison https://youtu.be/sSo7BvyPryA 2023/03/06 Global Data
Visiting The Motherland Calls Statue - Didn't Expect This https://youtu.be/E9YPWn6I8PI 2023/12/09 Peter's Food
ホイアンの木彫り:一本の木から巨大な壁画を彫る6か月 Hoi An Wood Carving : 6 Months Carving a Huge Wall Art from a Piece of Wood https://youtu.be/-ZToIcfadKI 2023/05/26
AURORA 韓国のインスパイアの巨大 LED ディスプレイ | メディア アート 4K HDR AURORA Huge LED Display of Inspire in Korea | Media Art 4K HDR https://youtu.be/D223br7vnpk 2024/01/13
グラウンド・フォー・スカルプチャーは、野外博物館、彫刻庭園/公園、樹木園が一体となった施設です。 Grounds for Sculpture is an outdoor museum, sculpture garden/park and arboretum in one. https://youtu.be/WHNDEPPxy5k 1:08:42 2024/08/22

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